Lenders have increased their Investment loan rates
A snapshot of lenders who have made changes to their Investment loans
Suncorp – Increasing by 0.27% on existing and new customers from 31st August 2015
NAB – Increasing by 0.29% for new variable and fixed rate Interest Only Investment loans effective 10th August 2015. Increasing by 0.29% for existing variable Interest Only home loans effective 10th September 2015. Increasing by 0.29% for new and existing Peak Performance facilities effective 10th September 2015.
AMP – Have withdrawn from Investment lending. This is expected to last until later in 2015. This includes SMSF loans.
Choicelend – New Interest Only loans will increase by 0.29% from 10th August 2015. Existing Interest Only loan will be effective 10th September 2015.
St. George – New and existing Residential Investment loans will increase by 0.25% effective 21st August 2015.
Westpac – New Residential Investment loans will increase by 0.27% from 10th August 2015. For existing customers the increase will take effect from 25th September 2015.
If you have any questions about the changes to investment lending and what it could mean for your loan, please don’t hesitate to contact us.